RV Insurance Coverage: Emergency Vacation Expense
Emergency Vacation Expense - In the event of an emergency where your RV is damaged or destroyed by a covered hazard, you will be reimbursed up to the selected limits, generally ranging from 750 to $7,500, to pay for reasonable temporary living facilities, transportation and the cost of returning the RV.
While we hope for the best we are here to make sure you are prepared for the worst. From theft to blowouts to wind storms and "Ooops, I forgot to unhook" we have you covered. Our partnerships with the industry's leading specialty RV underwriters allow us to offer these and many more exclusive programs to ensure you have the coverage you need when it counts. For more information or to add RV Insurance Emergency Vacation Expense Coverage to your policy call us today toll free 800-507-8467.
Tiffanie Novosel
220 Licensed
Nationwide RV Specialist